Tuesday, September 30
> Over the past weekend, i ..

My third fishing trip was pretty awesome. We managed to catch 4 sailfishes within a short span of time and i caught a couple of big fishes that was pretty hard to fight. It's extremely exciting to see the sailfish jumping and dashing to our boat, more exciting when Adeline was fighting hard with a super big one and there came another one in the other direction. Everyone on board was busy running up and down trying to do something.
I didnt fight any sailfishes this time because i was too lazy. I enjoyed the moments where i was sitting on the top deck and casually trying to catch some sotongs. Though the sun was uber blazing and the fibre glass were irritating my exposed skin, the view was just too amazing and i felt so free. That feeling, is something i havent felt in a long long time. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it!
We also played with fireworks related stuffs and i thought it was pretty exciting. I laughed so hard and screamed so much throughout. It was a really great trip though, im sure the 6 of us really needed this getaway for work had just drove us a little crazy these couple of works.
Tomorrow, im gonna start the battle again.
wish me luck!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:52:00 am
Monday, September 22
> amber's personality 1
The conversation on MSN with a friend for 8 years made me confirmed that i am really difficult to understand and i really do have a split personality.
I finally discovered one part of my personality, and its pretty scary. But its just, in me..so everytime when things turn out against the way i want it to, i can only blame myself.
I brought it upon myself..
Such a shocking news to realise i have a personality like that..i wonder if its good or bad. I think its quite sick and psychotic. I should go see a shrink soon before it destroy myself.
And my friend, is so worried about me that every word she said made me feel like crying. I dont know what i did to deserve such dear friends..and im really thankful.
I am such a lost person, and my split personality just had to make it worst.
Now i know why my life is always in such a mess.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:29:00 am
Saturday, September 20
I realised that im not actually a very good liar, or cheater.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:19:00 am
Friday, September 19
> down down down it goes
Its amazing how my mood fluctuates so easily, like how the world's economy is doing right now. It was only about 1.5 years ago when the market was so good..and now..global crisis. I hate recession..
The only difference between my mood and the stock market, my mood fluctuates over the slightest thing.
Its amazing how such minor things could make me feel so depressed, to the extent where i get so sick and tired..that i dont wanna carry on walking. I so wanted to just collapse and wallow in self pity, crying my heart out and fall asleep.
I over-estimate myself too much sometimes, and in the real world, there's no such thing as turning back.
Its either, do or die.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:06:00 am
Wednesday, September 17
> Vous ..
Quelque temps l'an dernier, j'ai redouté aller travailler. Je suis réveillé le matin se sentant déprimé, obtenir habillé et m'est forcé au bureau. Je suis rentré sanglotant mon coeur et me ferme hors dans la pièce, penser, ‹ pourquoi dois-je traverse ceci › ?
Et maintenant im commence à sentir la même façon encore.
Mais cette fois je sais qu'il wouldnt est comme mauvais, parce qu'ive vous a obtenu.
Et vous, a été mon pilier de force et de soutien.
Vous, a été ma source de bonheur.
Vous, a été la dernière personne je pensée d'avant que je dors et la première personne je pense à quand mes sonneries d'alarme.
Vous, a été l'un je toujours wanna voit, embrasser et embrasser.
Vous, a fait m'aller des têtes sur les talons sur vous.
Vous, a fait me sourire bête devant l'ordinateur ou devant le handphone.
Vous, a complété presque ma vie.
Mais le même vous, isnt soley le mien.
Le même vous, avez un coeur pour fractionner.
Le même vous, ne m'a jamais pris comme une priorité.
Le même vous, a fait me pleurer.
Le même vous, a menti tout ces pendant que.
Et le même vous, ne m'avait jamais dit une fois « je vous aime ».
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:36:00 am
Monday, September 8
> Updates !!
I've been home the entire weekends, accomplishing stuffs which ive been procrastinating for the longest time. Had a lot of spare time to think about all those things jumbled up on my mind, did loads of self-reflections and decision making, did household chores for the first time since idontknowhowlongago.
What can i say? LG - Life's Good!
I cant say that i have no more worries, but at least its better than before.
Well anyway, please visit
Lè Exclusive, i just bought 2 tops from there and i so cant wait to get it !!
Also joined spree for La Senza and Victoria Secret, cant wait to get my hands on those lovely lingerie and nighties!
I realised i havent been posting pictures, so..just a couple of random shots now..
Nicky's farewell before leaving to Aussie at Wayne's place

Xiang Yun's birthday at Acid Bar

Gavin's farewell at his place

Leanne's birthday
And a couple of my narcism

I have many more pictures to share, but maybe next time.
Gonna watch the new Korean show on cable now! Hello, my girl.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:39:00 am
Monday, September 1
> all the things they said
People say.. when two individuals fall in love with each other, they will gloom and their faces become more radiant, cheerful and better looking.
People say.. when two individuals just started to date each other, they will spend a lot of time together and are so loving that they stick to one another like super glue and they all call it the 'honeymoon period'.
People say.. when somebody is in love, a simple smile could tell how happy they are because it was a smile right from the heart.
But can somebody tell me why, i dont look gloomy but grumpy, i dont look radiant but jaded, i dont look cheerful but devasted and i dont look at all prettier.
I am happy, really, and i look happy when i smile, but how exactly happy am i?

The most beautiful bouquet of lilies i received, but they are all starting to wither.
Is it true what most people say?
That all beautiful things doesnt last long..
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:04:00 am